27 10月 2011


這陣子以來,看了不少HTML, CSS, JavaScript的書,
所以決定跟堅持妥協,暫時用Free Template,邊學網頁語法,邊整理照片與生活點滴。

多看,指的是survey的過程,發現了很多專業designer的作品,Free and Great..
BTemplates, BTemplates-Blog, Blogger Blog Templates, 都是很棒的資源網站;

遇到包含指定URL的Template, 使我第一次試著將檔案放到很多部落客推薦的Google Site上面,雖然有用過Site, 不過第一次要上傳檔案還是摸不著門路, 多虧這篇討論串....

05 10月 2011




photoblog.hk介紹的活動官網: London Street Photography Festival 2012

上述網頁中,找尋國外支持攝影活動的廠商,名單中發現了"British Journal of Photography"(and one good article in it)..


02 10月 2011

Keep recording everyday.

Come to office on Sunday, to accompany M to finish her coding jobs. I bring the CSI DVD, and after watching one volume (season 5, vol.3, Death pool 100), I get a smart method to find out the closing songs of each volume. They usually be fantastic, soft jazz tone.

This's the first time I listen the attractive ending song and google it, according to part of it's lyrics. "Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie", and a great website that record many theme songs of TV shows -- Heardontv(main, CSI page). I think this is a great way to practice my listening and enjoy many fantastic Jazz background songs...

"Death Cab for Cutie" -- is an American alternative rock band formed in Bellingham, Washington in 1997. I love their soft songs, not rock. :D (at the same time, there is another comfortable, soft female vocal version of Transatlanticism by Millie Tizzard).