30 11月 2012

那天的日記。The News Worth to Read.





26 11月 2012


The picture took yesterday, only one work satisfied me after a half day shooting.
Finally, I understand the essence that teacher emphasized recently, about how to take a gorgeous picture.
Praise it, set title, descriptions, record, and publish. 
Use camera just part of it, the key point is your heart and what you’re thinking.

20 11月 2012

法國蜜月自由行.#Day1 (下)



13 11月 2012

法國蜜月自由行.#Day1 (上)

回憶是無價的, 何況是最值得紀念的蜜月旅行, 這一次不能再像我的美國背包行, 一直放到快發霉了都還沒整理, 讓回憶一直在淡去... 一鼓作氣寫完他吧(握拳)。

6/30就結完婚的我們, 因為暑假旅費太貴, 加上剛換工作還不那麼穩定, 所以就決定了在夏末秋初的10/6拿起我們的行囊, 走走走去法國, 一同踏上從未到過的歐洲大陸。

出發前的日子, M每天花了很多時間在做功課(一邊抱怨), 我呢, 則是努力學拍照, 為的是留下些美好照片, 真是太棒的分工合作了...以後都這樣吧(揍)。

我們選擇是國泰航空, 只是因為習慣, 也沒有特別想嘗試新的體驗, 香港轉機一次, 兩段旅程加起來是14小時又五十分鐘, 吃好睡好, 電影也看得開心, 空姐們又Nice, 一本范毅舜老師的『逐光獵影』都還沒完整看完一次, 就到了..時間是法國10/6早上7:50,旅途開始。

↑喜歡旅行, 特別是下機後眼前文字完全不同的那一瞬間, 心裡有一種莫名愉悅, 與冒險的感覺..

11 11月 2012


Gordes En Provence, during my honeymoon this year.
The best weekend is to take some great photos with my talent friends, then read a lovely book after having a comfortable sleeping.
What am I reading? Henri Cartier-Bresson, by L'Oeil du siecle. (Chinese Edition)
當他回憶著自己畫過的『蒙馬特的塞勒大街』, 竟然已被一個叫做塞尚的畫家從一樣的角度畫過時, 回憶到:
多麼令人驚訝, 也多麼令人愜意啊!這讓我們意識到藝術創作主題總是相同的, 一切都被探討過了。唯一不同的是,你要用自己的配料來表現。
讀書至此深深有感, 繪畫如此, 攝影不也有著相同道理嗎? 到一樣的地方, 用自己的配料, 放肆的呈現屬於自己的獨特吧。

10 11月 2012


My Passion, my practice. Tamron_28-75_F2.8 w/ Canon 60D
練習、再練習。有老師教你, 再一步一步從基礎練起, 是一件很愉悅的事...
Why flower photography, Albert Schweitzer said: In the hope of reaching the moon, men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
每件東西都很值得仔細慢慢去拍, 不是嗎? :)

08 11月 2012

Lens Factory Film - Sigma #1

The advertisements of lens companies are always so poetic. Be touched every time, again and again. This's not an article, just sharing...

06 11月 2012


最近,開始學習花的攝影,從認識花的美開始,運用構圖技巧,進一步學習用底片的原理修片, 一切只是開始,還有很多等著去學,然而,我樂在其中。


05 11月 2012


Persimmon, CJZ_Pancolar_50_F1.8 w/ Canon 60D

印象中, 曾看過"曬柿餅"的照片, 腦袋裡的畫面是一大片黃色的柿子以漂亮的幾何圖形, 塞滿畫面; 抑或鏡頭由下而上, 拍出藍天與橙柿的強烈對比手法。 

與M家人出遊拍照, 先看了些blog, 了解大致的主題, 雖說有了事前準備, 但這樣的拍照方式經驗甚少, 此趟心得滿滿, 照片可看者無幾。 

其因血液裡反骨因子濃烈, 每逢眾人搶拍, 就完全不知如何下手, 想攝影,心裡卻掙扎, 專程來了應該要拍這個, 但看到眼前人山人海, 為了卡位你爭我奪, 時而出現大師高談闊論, 當下整個降溫, 四肢加腦袋完全木化。 

回途思考, 或許常因功力不足, 無法到現場後迅速找出絕佳角度, 加上一味想測試定焦老鏡(所帶焦段不適合題材), 才無法先完成指定題目, 再至附近拍出不同於別人的延伸畫面, 兩者兼顧, 故在現場找理由:"這不是我要拍的畫面"。
再者, 這世界永遠都會有"大師", 心情受影響是自己道行不夠。

老師說:學習攝影初期, 至少要有三分之一符合大眾味口, 再求自我風格。 
回頭看自己過去的照片, 有時, 也許能夠拍出大家說好的影像, 再來談創作吧... 

幸好, 總是有留下幾張屬於自己心理的角度, 以及這篇難得反省的心得(笑)。


02 11月 2012

Bonjour, ZOE.

Zoe en Provence, CJZ_Pancolar_50_F1.8 w/ A35

At relaxed Friday Night, the best thing is to collect pictures and to blog with a piece of chess cake :)

One of the reasons that to practice photography very hard recently is because I finally know myself don't want to sit all day in the office anymore. Only have another skill to sustain live, then I can have different living styles. Especially, be able to have a dog and accompany with him all day..

Shot this picture at La Petite Provence, a wonderful B&B in France, we visited there during my honeymoon last month. The friendly Labrador Retriever has a cute name, Zoe. She's so cute and lovely!!

01 11月 2012

Importance of Keyword.

Favorite shoot during trip to NY 2012, with Super-Takumar 105mm F2.8 w/ A35

Before writing, should read..
Before reading, should know where the info. exists..
Before digging, should find out the keywords..
Then we'll busy to grow..

One of my favorite in photography is about cinematic photos. Before today's studying, the only one great photographer I followed was Andrew Mohrer. I tried to do some surveys on Flickr before, but failed to find out others due to my poor intuition. Till today, I realize that is important to survey with correct keywords. That'll give me the right directions.

"interviews", why did I never try this keyword before!? Since I want to read some introductions about photographer, this word suddenly pops in my brain. Then I find some great websites within a few minutes. Finally, the amazing day begins right after using "interview" and "cinematic".

BEST: Andrew Mohrer's G+, Flickr.

Superb articles about cinematic photography:
a) Beautiful examples of cinematic photography
b) Cinematic photography inspiration by Mikki 
c) Cinematic photography inspiration by Millan rible 
d) Creative cinematic photography by Jeff Krol

And two great source in Chinese:
e) 向眼球打出一記完美的全壘打 談電影感照片
f) 電影場景般的街頭攝影