26 3月 2013

Diary - new discovery "Blog Search"

Big surprise today, that's to find out a Google service "Blog Search". How amazing tool to let you find out many blogs with the content that you're most interested in. I searched the "cinematic", "cinematic photography" immediately. Then, find a GREAT GREAT wedding short film I have ever seen.

Original website: Cinematic Tide
(link the film here just for fast reviewing and bookmark, if not-allowed please tell me to remove it)

25 3月 2013

Today's Photo Retouch

Beautiful original image from the Tutorial

It's good to practice the retouch skill everyday by following online tutorial.
To imitate what teaches did and to summarize what I have learned are the ways to grow.

Tutorial steps from upper-left(Ori.) to upper-right: 
》Channel Mixing (Bias green)
》Blur->Surface Blur
》Curve to lighten
》Render->Lighting Effect (spotlight) with Soft-light layer blending

Tutorial from: Retouch A Girl with Lighting Focus

And the others are some works I like during the learning..

22 3月 2013

Sulfur Valley in YangMingShan National Park

This beautiful scenery is named “Sulfur Valley”, also called Big Sulfur Mouth, in the YangMingShan National Park in Taipei, Taiwan. We visited this famous place last weekend, at the same time, there’re some people to go on a picnic or to take bridal photography.

16 3月 2013

Taiwan Old Railway Stations #1 - Tanwen Station

▲ The old, wooden station main building.

There're many old railway stations in Taiwan, some of them still do the simple pick-up service, and the others transfer to be tourism use. The first one I wanna introduce is Tanwen Station. It locates at Miaoli County, and it's one of the stations on Western Line(Sea Line). Built in 1922 and renamed to Taiwen at March 1, 1955. The old style buildings are always good for me to take photos.

15 3月 2013

The image for 0315

Friday night, don't wanna care whether the color will be strange. Just play, use all the tools I understand to create the pictures in my mind. Felt relax at that moment and NOW.

》Canon 60D w/ Tamron 28-75:2.8, @50mm

13 3月 2013

miscellaneous styles

Good or bad to like many kinds of image styles? I guess the answer is the second one. Sometimes feel so jealous of those great photographers on flickr, how did they find out their personal styles?

》Canon 60D w/ super-multi-coated Takumar 28mm:3.5, @F3.5, 1/80, ISO800

10 3月 2013

Wanted Tone

Some pictures you know how they should be rendered at the first glance. The feeling could be positive, and I hope that becomes stronger. 

》Sony a100 with Minolta Beercan, @F4, 1/800, ISO400, 210mm.
》Photoshop CS2

26 2月 2013

旅行記憶 - Disney in California


照片是加州迪士尼裡的可愛建築物,園方在建築物後面裝上可愛的假山看板,配上加州天天藍得很過份的天空,那天看到這畫面一直揉眼睛,一整個覺得像幻覺,說不出哪裡怪但它卻真實地存在!-- 我的背包旅行@2012, California.

23 2月 2013

Blogger Design Notes

很快的來記錄一下今天對Blogger Template的修改;

1. 首先修改最上方的標題和敘述(description), 找到HTML的Header section, 修改以下兩個項目:
.header-inner .Header .titlewrapper {
  padding: 0px $(header.padding);

.header-inner .Header .descriptionwrapper {
  padding: 0 $(header.padding);
  position: relative;
  top: -15px;
  /*left: 440px;*/
2.再來是將每篇post上方的日期icon和標題, 更改為置中:
/* Headings
----------------------------------------------- */
h2 {
  margin: 0em 0 2em 0;
  font: $(widget.title.font);
  color: $(widget.title.text.color);
  text-transform: uppercase;
  text-align:center; /* casper added */
h3.post-title, .comments h4 {
  font: $(post.title.font);
  margin: 0em 0 0;
  text-align: center;
3.調整sidebar與post clolumn的間距:
.sidebar {
font-family: verdana;
padding-left: 40px;
另外就是增加了幾個小的CSS class for description texts,
重新加回syntax highlighter and configure the theme to "midnight",

Template哪天一不小心就被reset, 寫篇紀錄才可以恆久遠。

19 2月 2013

2013 武陵農場 x 櫻花 #1








▲倒影@雪山登山口。要拍這畫面,必須走向20、30隻有點可怕的猴群,據說一落單就很容易被攻擊,幸虧遇到好心的當地人,招集大家一同向前,人多才好辦事(笑)。 稍晚,便眼見落單女遊客差點被猴群圍毆,過去幫忙的時候,才覺得腳架大隻還真不錯。

武陵的櫻花,未完 x 待續...

27 1月 2013




24 1月 2013


日前閒逛茉莉書局,當看到兩本藏人作家唯色(Woeser)所著的文學作品《看不見的西藏》、《名為西藏的詩》,尤其是前者,當下似乎腦裡有個聲音『是了,一直想找的書不就是這個嗎?夠了。』 即刻就把手邊物品結帳開心走出書局,如此開心的購書經驗,還是第一回。


作家,可以在親身參與「燃燈節」的夜晚,回到住處立即上傳網誌、照片,比照虔誠教徒固定時間誦經、朝聖,仔細想想,每天留下固定時間好好記錄生活,也許這一小段時間 也可獲得一種虔誠的平靜,像那心靈的禱告。

18 1月 2013

stop chasing the gears

People like me easily felt into the abyss of chasing photography gears blind. Most of time, we don't need so much actually. Collection Addiction, it's pleasure sometimes and time-wasting usually. 

Shoot with my old camera, Sony A-100.

All I see is the happiness between us, not the high ISO noise.

13 1月 2013

[Child in supermarket]

Child in supermarket

This picture is meaningful to me. It's the first time successfully to produce the color tone in my mind with Photoshop layer tool, not just use the color filters in other software.

10 1月 2013


a35 w/ Minolta 35-70 F4 @F4 1/60

