15 9月 2010

First C# Work.  

I'm so touched by this work. 
It was meaningful for me, because I finally walked out from C++/MFC area to create a UI work. ( Although my Java serial reader is pending, it'll be done. I KNOW :D ) 

Due to the current project will be developed on VS2008 with C#, 
it push me to self- study that.
And then I think I should leave a solid work to prove my ability. 
This is a good habit for other programming languages in the future, I trust. 

Work: C# Serial Watcher. It's a real-time display UI to draw the continuous input raw-data from serial port.
Equipment: SpO2 module. 
( the device developed by our department, and it's easy to demo the real-time drawing job. And it's idle, nearby my desk... ) 

Did you mention that countdown days in the up-right corner? yes, I must stay here for my military service. Won't refer to the device too much.. :)

This application is created by Visual C# 2010. It includes one drawing class, and a worker thread to handle the monitoring job for serial port.

It's a simple project, especially when compared to other great works in the CodeProject. If there's any thing that this work can help you. I'll very happy to share.

murmur too much, and depth is too swallow. keep studying~ :P

