19 12月 2010


週末的晚上, 真適合看綜合台節目, 
感動之餘 一看就是一個半小時, 
現代化的工業加工食品, 真的很恐怖, 
外加那些肉品養殖的過程, 實在是怵目驚心。

不管是演員之一的Michael Pollan, 
推動 Levin's Law 的媽媽, 
是否失去了那股原始的單純 與健康.

原來令人欣賞的Pollan是紐約時報專欄作家, 也是柏克萊教授, 

有此連結 才能吸收許多相關資訊 以及思考著現在的生活。

07 12月 2010

Thank you ~ Microsoft.

一封email, 一場收穫良多的經驗分享會.
最近, 在Volume Rendering中轉不出成果來, 
雖然每天很多點子, 卻覺得應該先把作品做出來,

第一次到台灣微軟總部, 很開心, 
主題是Windows Phone7的開發者經驗分享, 
抱著小夢想去聽聽, 看看...

時尚, 人文, 溫和的北京老闆...

今天的我, 很榮幸, 很幸運! Thank you, MS.

23 11月 2010

Big Step, the Phong Shading.

事隔多年, 終於完成當初未完的作業 Homework #02.
也太弱, 之前設定的5天一篇的目標, 一下子又到了月底,
日子過很快, 繼續把握時間!

Flat Shading

Gouraud Shading

Phong Shading

當初一直看課本的內容, 在想要怎麼implement "自行內插出每個pixel的normal vector", 
可能是當時做影像處理的職業病吧, 壓根沒想到原來是在vertex shader按照最一般的example codes即可 = ="
這個作業真的可以學到很多東西 (假設在過程中跟我犯了一樣多的錯 >.< )

1. 第一個, 也是最久的一個問題, 為什麼Shader objects的result通通只有一個顏色?
The answer is the "color tracking" skill ( glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL), glColorMaterial() ).
因為 Enable Color Tracking, we have to assign new color before each glBegin().
經實驗證明, color tracking在每個glBegin and glEnd中, 不會發生效用. It should be:
for(int i=0;i< int(TRIobj->triangleList.size());i++)

  for(int j=0;j<3;j++){    
    glNormal3dv( TRIobj->triangleList[i].normal[j] );
    glVertex3dv( TRIobj->triangleList[i].vertex[j] );  // assign array form 

2. 過程中, 因為想要對shader objects debug, 所以卡在glUniformLocation()一段時間, 最後才發現, 一直get不到location的原因是:The value of input uniform variables can't be changed during the shader objects.

3. 惰性慫恿我不需三個Lights都Implement, 反正搞懂GLSL了阿!...幸好, 在coding 後方的Light時, 光線一直"透到前方平面"來, 讓我這門外漢以為還有Polygon的透明屬性沒有設定好, 又K了一陣子書, 結論是:因為座標轉換的觀念還不夠熟, 所以透光的效果其實是因為在打光前, 座標已經被轉換到前方平面來了.

回頭想想寫這份作業的過程, 以及手邊記錄著思考過程的手稿, 這些那些, 都是永遠的回憶.
不只跨越了當年的失落, 更在過程中, 發現了大量的網路資源, 高手們的Blog...
最後, 更被前輩們的網頁所感動, 既然要留下這些學習過程, 網頁編輯的功夫怎麼能省,
於是, 花了幾天靜下心來, 學習一些基本的HTML and CSS語法, 東湊西湊, 就是你所看的這些 :D

11 11月 2010

Unable to load DLL, 因為應用程式的並列設定不正確.

Platform:  Visual C# 2010
Target Library: DLL file that build by VC++ 2005.

工作上, 因為要在 Windows Form上使用舊有的native C++ DLL,

其中當然包括上網Google "因為應用程式的並列設定不正確"這個字串, 然後試了一些
可能有用 卻無效的方式.
後來發現要debug, 還是少用中文, 因為中文的Error Message是:

Unable to load DLL 'ECGAlgorithmWin32.dll': 因為應用程式的並列設定不正確,所以無法啟動。如需詳細資訊,請參閱應用程式事件記錄檔,或使用命令列工具 sxstrace.exe (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1)
然而經由最後一段代碼, 查得英文的的Message是:
Unable to load DLL exception. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect ...
所以一直被"並列設定不正確"所誤導debug方向阿 T.T"

最終找到一個非常有用的MSDN BLOG,

22 10月 2010

'GL_BGR' : undeclared identifier

During the implementation of homework #02, I think it's better to be familiar to Picture Drawing and Texture Mapping first.

When I use the GL_BGR in "glDrawPixels()", it appear this compile error from VC++.

Solution is : 
try GL_BGR_EXT if it still dosnt work, you need to download updated GLext.h files from SGI or nVidia/ATi devloper relations. 
 by Silvermace in the GameDev Forum.

Why did we need to use GLext.h???  The OpenGL Website says:

Core API and Extension Header Files
Because extensions vary from platform to platform and driver to driver, OpenGL developers can't expect interfaces for all extensions to be defined in the standard gl.hglx.h, and wgl.h header files. Additional header files - glext.h,glxext.h, and wglext.h - are provided here
Why  did we need to use BGR instead of RGB ??
Because the actual storage format of each pixel in Windows system is BGR, not RGB.
Just a debug record.

Let's get the show on the road.

The course is still there...
The homework is still there... 
Some years went past, and I'm ready to try it again.

When fell over on graduate school, 
I didn't even know what "runtime", "callback function", and "instance" is..
So rookie on programming, that's my second year to the software world.

I believe I CAN.

The homework: You are required to do the following things in homework #1: 

  • Load a 3D model file of TRI format.
    Draw it in wireframe mode and view it in perspective view.
  • You should provide object rotation mode and camera rotation mode, and implement basic transformations such as rotation, translation, scaling and shear. 
  • The camera (eye) can be moved around and into the model. 
  • Clipping is required. Try to show the difference between clipping and non-clipping. 
  • ** You can not use functions gluPerspective and glFrustum !!  
And the course website is here, Interactive Computer Graphics in National Taiwan University.   

Final, I complete the homework again. This time I did that after reading some chapters of several books, instead of just copy one example code content of some Chinese book.

Post this article after the due date of the homework this year may be more appropriate. 
Hope this helps some people that hesitate to or shy of asking questions to TAs.

05 10月 2010

[Extract] set up environment for OpenGL and GLUT on VC++ 2010 Express

Those steps are extracted from the good blog Here! and Here!, written by Nafee M Sadh's.
Write records here just for fear that if the original blog is removed someday.

Key Steps to create Win32 console application:

  • Select "Empty Project" in the wizard dialog.
  • In the Project Property, Configuration Properties  Linker  Input, Type “opengl32.lib;glu32.lib” in Additional Dependencies.
  • For above step, remember to select the "All configurations" to set the debug and release environment at the same time.

Key Step to set up GLUT environment:

  • Download the original GLUT library from Nate Robins’ site. (for my case, the zip package will generate one .h file, two .lib files, two .dll files after upzipped.) 
  • put the files as below: (VS2010) ( I copy these three lines form the original blog..)
    glut.h to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl\
    glut32.lib to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib\
    glut32.dll to the folder C:\Windows\System32\
Try it, and don't forget to visit the original blog for more useful information. :P

29 9月 2010

[C# Study Note.1] Methods mapping from MFC to WinForm

Due to the past working requirement, I was used to coding on C++/MFC.
Fortunately, here comes a new project. And the source project from manufacturer is created on C#/Windows From.
So, I can study new language at the office time. :P

1. Note some methods which have the same function but without same name down. it's hard to find out when I studied the new language.

MFC/C++ WinForm/C#
1   OnEraseBkgnd() OnPaintBackground()
2   OnClose() OnFormClosed(), OnFormClosing()
3 OnCreate() Controls:OnCreateControl(), Forms:OnLoad()

28 9月 2010

[Implement] How C# use native library from C code

Target platform: Visual C# 2010 Express
Source platform: Visual C++ 2005 Professional ( to generate the DLL file )

[Part A] : To create a native C library (.dll)
1. new project --> Win32 project ( Note: not MFC --> MFC DLL ) --> in the application setting page,
select the below properties: (type:DLL), (additional options:Export symbols)

2. in your header file of the project, define the export function like this:

( DLLRESPIRATION0927 is my project name.)

// my export method 
extern "C" DLLRESPIRATION0927_API int  __stdcall fnRespiration( int count,short buffer[] );
if you don't add the macro extern "C", Visual C# will appear the error message: "Unable to find  an entry point", when you call this method.
if you don't add the macro __stdcall, the C# program can't find this function.

About extern "C",
because the C++ has the overloading function, it won't be supported by C.
We use this macro to close the overloading mechanism in C++ compiler.

3. in the .cpp file, declare the function like this:

DLLRESPIRATION0927_API int __stdcall fnRespiration(int count,short buffer[])
    return 0;

15 9月 2010

First C# Work.  

I'm so touched by this work. 
It was meaningful for me, because I finally walked out from C++/MFC area to create a UI work. ( Although my Java serial reader is pending, it'll be done. I KNOW :D ) 

Due to the current project will be developed on VS2008 with C#, 
it push me to self- study that.
And then I think I should leave a solid work to prove my ability. 
This is a good habit for other programming languages in the future, I trust. 

Work: C# Serial Watcher. It's a real-time display UI to draw the continuous input raw-data from serial port.
Equipment: SpO2 module. 
( the device developed by our department, and it's easy to demo the real-time drawing job. And it's idle, nearby my desk... ) 

Did you mention that countdown days in the up-right corner? yes, I must stay here for my military service. Won't refer to the device too much.. :)

This application is created by Visual C# 2010. It includes one drawing class, and a worker thread to handle the monitoring job for serial port.

It's a simple project, especially when compared to other great works in the CodeProject. If there's any thing that this work can help you. I'll very happy to share.

murmur too much, and depth is too swallow. keep studying~ :P

10 9月 2010

Micro - Blog

整天的電腦螢幕 整夜欲罷不能的電影 原已放棄開電腦紀錄下 這個夜晚的精采
洗完澡 思考著 有沒有可能五行文字 紀錄 不花費太多時間...

兩集的電影 『一球成名三部曲』 三與一  沉醉在此類夢想成真的澎湃中無法靜止
向來無法抗拒這類劇情 也許是白日夢做多了 又或者心中仍無法放下對未來的憧憬 

今天竟將第一集 再看了1.5次 除想起在研究所 第一次看時的人事物 
過於過去的不成熟 有點感傷...

不舒服的情緒放一邊 轉個念頭想著 如果當初有著習慣紀錄下當時的心情、感動  
在這時間點再回頭去看 不知道是什麼樣的感覺
於是為了 下一次的感動 先記住當下;

滿滿的感動 帶有一點點空虛 空虛的是 向來的感動 都是跟自己說
或許有人願意聽 或許自己太多堅持 

還是不成熟地 活在只有自己的世界裡。 

03 9月 2010


一整日不間斷的C# + Windows Form 終究在回家 與沙發一起看完一集CSI後
不支倒地 (床墊在地板上 :P )

06:22 是起床的時間

美好的清晨 窗外有著麻雀充滿活力的叫聲 空氣中還有股專屬於早起的味道 
坐在沙發上 望著落地窗外的大樹、藍天、白雲 突然有種開心..

因工作 我們大多無法掌握能否天天享受到無限好的夕陽
如果能妥善安排生活作息 我可以一周享受七次這樣的美好時光 這樣的生活
真好 真好

很想用照片告訴你 我和我的眼睛現在一起享受的畫面 只可惜客廳有點亂 下次唄。

30 8月 2010

習慣 生活

忘了是在哪讀到這麼一句話:『有了好習慣 就不怕失敗..』
細細品味 的確很有道理;
生活裡 有多少人 可以維持一些不同於別人的好習慣 不半途而廢?
出類拔萃的特質 從此即可窺就一二

聽過某人說: 很年輕已當上教授的舅舅 始終維持一早慢跑的習慣 不分四季
大前研一總是在週末的下午 空出三個小時 給自己一個題目 做一個完整的調查、研究與學習
大作家李敖總是在九點前後就寢 半夜起床 開始讀書寫作 如此特別地生活著

看看別人 想想自己
聽了這麼多的故事 總是缺了點毅力 是該反省

最近 開始慢跑 開始早睡早起 開始騰出週末的一小部份 靜靜的看書 整理房子 也整理思緒
如此需乏毅力的人 能好好培養個習慣嗎?

16 8月 2010

熱衷 工作

七夕 早早地下班回家看了一集CSI
看完後 心理塞滿著強烈的感慨...

我喜歡工作 我熱愛工作 最近常懷念起前幾年的日子

研究所時 感謝命運的安排 一頭栽進醫學影像、資訊工程 常常睡前開心到笑出來 睡不著..
國防役剛開始 整天接觸到的 不乏醫療常識 思考著手邊的程式要如何對醫療人員有所幫助 即便是臨床測試
還可以跟阿公阿罵說:血壓這樣偏高喔 要稍稍注意喔! 

每當有人問及工作內容 解釋之餘 可以伴點幸福的微笑
覺得自己呼吸的空氣 似乎多帶了一點生命的意義

心理總想 有天 你會說 這樣的工作 很有意義喔..

對照起現狀 代工毫不相關的的東西 爭權 奪利 ..恨透了這幾個人 這些面具
讓我好心寒 提不起勁

雖然是影集 但這般享受於工作 思考著的盡是用自己的頭腦、專業背景 做對人有益 對己有意之事
我天真的相信現實社會中 這樣醉於工作的人 並不會少

生活不容易 堅持理想會再苦一點
但是我好希望 可以早日再次大聲吶喊: 我好喜歡現在的工作!(喊)

13 8月 2010


一直以來 除了灌籃高手和一個叫奇蹟的遊戲外 很少對一項娛樂這麼地熱衷以及投入 (笑)

  • 『The Big Bang Theory!』

雖然忍不住熱血的推薦給其他人 但或許每個人笑點不同吧 大部分的人竟回我:

=.=" 我覺得超好笑阿 (嘆)  

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang! BANG!

20 7月 2010

[VS2005] error C3861: 'exit': identifier not found

when I try to use some example codes of OpenGL, I'll sometimes get the compile error
"error C3861: 'exit': identifier not found" from the keyboard subroutine:

  • void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y){
  • switch(key){
  • case 27:
  • exit(0);
  • break;
  • }
  • }

Finally, I found the solution that is to add the include information on the top of the cpp file.
#include < stdlib.h >

The original discussion thread is from Windows Forums, and solution is provided by Brian Kramer.

19 7月 2010

Use VS2005 on Windows7

VS2005 is my primary IDE to coding on C\C++, OpenGL. When I install it on Win7, the conflict appears. 
This is the first time that I felt the official suggestion so powerful.
According to the steps as below, I can use the VS2005 right now.

First, I install the service pack 1 of VS2005 for WinXP. Present file version is:

Then the second step, 
install the service pack for Vista or later Windows OS. Present file version is: 

I have tried it and it does work! so blog this for you or me in the future.

07 7月 2010

How to post source codes onto blogger

when I want to post the practice result of OpenGL to my Blogger, I google some websites and find a 'okay' method for the previous post.

Chinese guidance: 

在Blogger內貼source code

And a interpreting platform: 
It works, use this first. 

little practice of two viewports

Practice of "Try this" in Red-Book chapter 3.

Modify an existing program so that an object is drawn twice, in different Viewports.

void reshape (int w, int h)
   glColor3f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
   glViewport (0, 0, (GLsizei) w/2, (GLsizei) h);
   glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
   glLoadIdentity ();
   glFrustum (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 20.0);
   glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
   glLoadIdentity (); 
   gluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
   glScalef (1.0, 2.0, 1.0);      /* modeling transformation */ 
   glutWireCube (1.0);

   glViewport ((GLsizei) w/2, 0, (GLsizei) w/2, (GLsizei) h);
   glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
   glLoadIdentity ();
   glFrustum (-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 20.0);
   glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
   glLoadIdentity (); 
   gluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
   glScalef (1.0, 2.0, 1.0);      /* modeling transformation */ 
   glutWireCube (1.0);

    glFlush ();

Another amazing OpenGL project.

Again, after a hard and tired study, an amazing project will appear on my monitor, let me stick here and can't speak out how shock I felt.

This OpenGL project is made by Nate Robins. I knew this project from the so-called Red-book of OpenGL programming, OpenGL programming guide 7th edition.

How beautiful tool to demo some basic theories of OpenGL APIs, like transformation and lighting.

If you like OpenGL, just go to download and try it.
maybe you'll pronounce a voice of "WoW"..like I did few minutes ago.  :P

error: VS2005 MSVCR80D.dll

This isn't first time I run into this error: "can't find msvcr80d.dll" when I try to use the simple C code from books' author.
In the past, I only knew that came from IDE's version difference. But haven't tried to solve it. ( I use Visual studio 2005 )

I found the good solutions for this issue.   /* Original Post */

One of solutions I used and have proved it to be workable:
=> Change the project's location from FAT disk to NTFS.  

(Thanks the biggest NB company Q gave me a old enough NB with FAT disk.. :(  )

other solutions from the original website are as below but NOT be verified yet!!!
1.)  project properties-->manifest tool-->input and output-->Embed manifest--> choose NO.--> rebuild.
2.) manifest tool-->General Item-->Use Fat32 work-around-->YES.-->rebuild.

28 6月 2010

how to enable/disable drivers that with identical friendly names.

I am assigned to join a OEM project recently.
Target platform has 4 chips driven by same drivers.
So, all labels in the driver that we can check using Device Manager are almost identical.

How can I write a program to enable/disable those drivers without manual mouse control?

Answer is to use the devcon.exe from Windows Driver Development Kit (WDK) from: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311272/zh-tw

In my case, the few different items between four drivers is the "Device Instance Path".
For example, 

Checking the "Hardware IDs" and "Device Instance IDs" chapters in "WDK documentation",
you will find some definitions about which part called hardware ID and instance ID.
At the same time, type "devcon.exe help enable" in the cmd.exe to look how to use devcon.

Finally, in my case:
I use "devcon.exe enable @*00e3" (or use disable) to control driver with the batch file.

PS. this tool is only workable in Windows enrivonment, not under pure DOS.

19 6月 2010

something had remembered

也許是最近開始push自己紀錄生活 所以花比較多的時間看別人的blog、網路上的文章
想著這邊 那邊的差異

很多東西 剛看到的瞬間忍不住點頭 或心頭裡有句 "對 我也是這麼想的.."
可能記性不好吧 許多諸如此類的文字 感動 都無法一直記在腦裡

早上賴床時在想 如果每個人都有個習慣 把自己感動的片段文字記錄下來
也許50 100篇Blog 可以很快的讓人知道 你我的相似度

生活、職場、朋友間 有太多應付 或表面的東西 心裡偶而覺得 一種米養百種人
從認識到了解 從了解到認識 或許網路的抽想空間 可以顛倒一些既有的生活方式

昨晚睡覺前 本期商周網站的一篇 當超業好?還是主管好? 有這麼一段:

16 6月 2010

comparing is necessary

不管是最近的代工案子、或是無意間逛到的good blog
有比較才知道自己的不足 看過別人的好 學起來 才會更好...

接觸到部門以外的事務 才知道其實我們還是很有一套制度的
雖然產品走向、銷售方面還有很大進步空間 但至少哪個phase該做到哪些事情

接觸到真正好的blog 才知道什麼樣的版面讓人舒服閱讀 雖然沒有標準的逗點符號
排版、照片、內容、流暢的敘述 都可以在這個棒球blog看到

模仿了他的blog寫法 不加逗點 挺有趣的
雖然還是沒啥料 只是寫下心情

25 5月 2010

SOP to Create Sample Programs of ICG

照著自己規劃的進度, 緩慢的進行ICG Study...
一段時間只唸內容文字,剛剛要Create Appendix A的Sample Program to Trace Code,
竟忘了最簡單的SOP, 有點Shock, 果然生疏不得
為避免將時間浪費在重複的錯誤中 寫一篇簡單的SOP給將來的自己

Target: Interactive Computer Graphics, A top-down approach with OpenGL (Forth Edition)
  1. Pre-set VS2005 Environment for GLUT.
  2. Create a Win32 Console App.
  3. In Wizard:
    Application Type-->Console Application
    Additional Options-->"Precompiled Header"
  4. After generating a buildable project, 將project_name.cpp的內容, 除了最上方的
    #include "stdafx.h"外,
    Angel's source codes to override.
  5. 最後視情況加上一些function需要include的library,
    例如:rand()需要額外增加 "#include <>stdlib.h
    "在#include "stdafx.h"下方
  6. If no error when you build the solution, the sample program is Ready.
Let's trace codes.

[補充] : 要use Angel's c file直接取代default的"int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])", 要記得在Project Setting裡面, 指定Unicode Character Set.

17 5月 2010


一直以來, 習慣以MOD的三個ELTA電視台節目, 取代頻道眾多的有線電視,
當初最原始的動機, 只是貪圖高畫質的體育節目;

近幾個月來, 常常會被有質感的HD藝文節目所感動, 不管是週末晚上, 或是平常下班後的放鬆時光,
打從心理覺得,生活應該少些新聞的荒謬時事、或是綜藝頻道的腥羶色, 靜靜地, 享受一點能讓人打從心裡感動的節目;

今晚的綜合台, 『工匠達人』, 專訪日本國寶級工匠的作品製作過程, 以及對生活點點滴滴的堅持!

承襲父業, 一輩子製作桐木屐的工匠豬之原先生, 從桐樹的栽種, 沿著年輪走向的原木切割, 孰練的拋光、磨圓角,
到一刀一刀的底盤刨製, 都是畢生累積經驗的完美呈現。

他說:"桐木屐, 就是我人生的全部", 很簡單的一句話, 讓人感受到最單純的幸福。

用了生命把一件事情, 從一個點,放到最大, 並使其發光發熱, 這是我一直嚮往的生命累積,
這樣活著, 好有意義。

他送給電視台一句話, 『一日, 一生』。

每天都認真的過, 把生命中的每一天, 都實在的累積起來;

想起了曾經看過的某一本書作者說:"今日, 是昨日的過去", 所以每天都要活的精采, 我把今天最精采的一部分留在這邊!

11 5月 2010

cooking life.

一開始, 便會停不下來.

自從看了Dec.2009.shopping design中, 那篇《廚房裡的人類學家》摘錄文章, 或許打書意味也是有的, 但至少我很感謝她,她文章讓我心中湧起了一股也想煮東西的念頭。

"他們怎知我盯著電腦老半天一個字也寫不出來, 摘豌豆十分鐘一大碗是多麼有成就感",

這句形容海外留學生涯的課後廚房心得, 一直留在我的腦中, 有趣的很。

今天, 是第三次下班後回家煎牛排, 這個有了自己的廚房以來, 最想做的一件事情, 在前一週悄悄的開始, 也就這樣持續了下來。雖然, 有時候因為下班太晚, 10點還在吃牛排似乎也不是太健康;

洋蔥, 蒜丁,A1牛排醬,配上就近取材的松青超市美國阪腱肉,最後是亂入的Vodka,和醬油,


有點太飽,寫完日記再去睡, 剛好。

29 4月 2010

amazing defense!!!

This picture is so funny.
I must share with you, this is called "DEFENSE!" from expert 'Ron Artest'.

purpose of blogging.

有時候會想, 到底blog有什麼意義, 私底下寫日記不是更可以東唸西罵嗎 :P
除了練習不怕被人看到的文筆, 或許就是分享吧.

回想當初註冊此blog space的原因, 也是想紀錄一些programming的心得,
或許哪天可以幫到人, 希望啦 (笑)

就像剛開始工作那段時間, 如果沒有一些熱心的blog, 還有對岸牛人們的CSDN,
不敢想像沒人可問的工作內容, 我該怎麼辦.

好的blog, 往往在工作疲憊之於, 可以給人一劑強心針, 繼續向前。
下午在coding real-time charts drawing from modules data時,
乾脆偷閒5分鐘, 看一下網路open source 神人Jim Huang的blog,

keep blogging.

28 4月 2010


最近手邊多了很多的書, 生日禮卷也好, 訂閱的雜誌也好, 書展戰利品也好, 抑或因一起騎腳踏車, Ajay借我的阿姆斯壯傳記...
一直努力、持續的看, 卻沒有一個明確的段落, 因為不管哪本都是興致滿滿, 抓了就先看再說,
漸漸的, 家裡多了很多本看到一半的書, 這樣似乎不太對..


Q公司送我的09年生日禮物, 小說, 內容有關日本獵人、礦工文化的愛情小說.
流暢、動人、外帶一點小誇張, 反正是小說嘛, 也就別這麼認真看待了。(笑)

本想寫個簡短介紹, 作為讀後心得系列的開端, 夜已深, 為了明天的躲避球資格賽,
先滾去睡, 至少完成了半生不熟的讀書記錄。

11 4月 2010

solution of debugging console app with VS2005

Record this solution for constructing a debug version console app.
Especially useful for writing a simple OpenGL project.

Error Msg:
Debugging information for "YourProject.exe" cannot be found or does not match. Binary was not built with debug information.
To enable debugging:

1) Goto Project->HelloWorld Properties
2) On the left expand "Configuration Properties"
3) Expand "C/C++"
4) On the left, Select "General"
5) On the right, change "Debug Information Format" to "Program Database For Edit And Continue (/ZI)"
5) On the left, Select "Optimization"
6) On the right, change "Optimization" to "Disabled (/Od)"
7) On the left, expand "Linker"
8) On the left, select "Debugging"
9) On the right, change "Generate Debug Info" to "Yes"
10) Click ok
11) Set your breakpoints
12) Rebuild your application

16 3月 2010

Another half month.

Enjoy life, enjoy the position with less pressure..

張明正在專訪中, 也說喜歡歷史,
好像大家都知道, 時事的變化, 是某部分歷史情結的重複放映,
了解歷史, 可以繞過一些美好的岔路..

今天, 我決定早點下班!

Note: 還是孬, 在這篇一個月後, 再次edit將劉表與將軍的一番話刪除, 我還做不到所謂隨心所欲的blogging.

25 2月 2010

Blogging the day.

11:36, I'm waiting the PB to build the NK.
Let's blog this moment.

I heard the big bad news about our department yesterday.
Some people said that we'll be broken up and maybe terminate our development of Medical Device.
We just found out the possible customers and ready to succeed.

That's really so sad for me.

Others said that we'll get the final decision tomorrow.

Medical device development shouldn't be treated as business, it's a great enterprise!

(Maybe only change the decision-maker who doesn't like MD is the best result! ..and the small office seats :P)

11 2月 2010


嵌在粗礦外表中的纖細:Kevin's Blog. (Here!)

Kevin is one of my basketball teammates, and our center in Quanta basketball group.

很厲害的攝影師, 照片讓人一看就覺得好有feel.

在欣賞他作品的當下, 不經意的會去思考近來的生活, 是不是活的太發散了?
如果什麼都要玩一下, 碰一點, 似乎很多東西就只能這樣

是不是專精於少數的幾項興趣, 才比較有機會讓別人在見到作品的那剎那, 也被感動。
話說最近興趣真的太多, 電子報的感興趣類別, 幾乎除了少數幾項外, 都被我勾選了,
