30 11月 2011




那份感動,與一步一步經學習而得到的體會,只能繼續放在心裡。-- Pentacon 50/1.8

07 11月 2011





06 11月 2011




27 10月 2011


這陣子以來,看了不少HTML, CSS, JavaScript的書,
所以決定跟堅持妥協,暫時用Free Template,邊學網頁語法,邊整理照片與生活點滴。

多看,指的是survey的過程,發現了很多專業designer的作品,Free and Great..
BTemplates, BTemplates-Blog, Blogger Blog Templates, 都是很棒的資源網站;

遇到包含指定URL的Template, 使我第一次試著將檔案放到很多部落客推薦的Google Site上面,雖然有用過Site, 不過第一次要上傳檔案還是摸不著門路, 多虧這篇討論串....

05 10月 2011




photoblog.hk介紹的活動官網: London Street Photography Festival 2012

上述網頁中,找尋國外支持攝影活動的廠商,名單中發現了"British Journal of Photography"(and one good article in it)..


02 10月 2011

Keep recording everyday.

Come to office on Sunday, to accompany M to finish her coding jobs. I bring the CSI DVD, and after watching one volume (season 5, vol.3, Death pool 100), I get a smart method to find out the closing songs of each volume. They usually be fantastic, soft jazz tone.

This's the first time I listen the attractive ending song and google it, according to part of it's lyrics. "Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie", and a great website that record many theme songs of TV shows -- Heardontv(main, CSI page). I think this is a great way to practice my listening and enjoy many fantastic Jazz background songs...

"Death Cab for Cutie" -- is an American alternative rock band formed in Bellingham, Washington in 1997. I love their soft songs, not rock. :D (at the same time, there is another comfortable, soft female vocal version of Transatlanticism by Millie Tizzard).

23 8月 2011

Great Photographer - Bresson.

Below texts came from the website of Henri Cartier Bresson, the great photographer.
Those words are so meaningful and beautiful, I have to record it here and read repeatly.

"For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to “give a meaning” to the world, one has to feel involved in what one frames through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, discipline of mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry. It is by economy of means that one arrives at simplicity of expression.

To take a photograph is to hold one’s breath when all faculties converge in a face of fleeing reality. It is at that moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.

To take a photograph means to recognize – simultaneously and within a fraction of a second– both the fact itself and the rigorous organisation of visually perceived forms that give it meaning.

It is putting one’s head, one’s eye, and one’s heart on the same axis."

18 8月 2011

[iOS dev.] Store image into local SQLite.

Part 1. Download image files and store into local database(SQLite).

a. Create a local sqlite file, and insert a table. (e.g.: ACSLog table in database named "db")
b. URL of target image is: urlString.

17 8月 2011

I love this kind of interview article.

Especially, those speaking cane from thoughtful photographers.

Read this great article from Photoblog today,

[Photoblog攝影訪談]WPPI婚攝新星—Elkie NG

This article brings me a lots of great people and their works.

Infinite extension reading way I loved.

"來自美國的 Jessica Claire 是由我初入行至今的學習對像"

"現在很喜愛的是 Susan Stripling — 早陣子去美國 WPPI 時上過她的堂"

"CM LeungWPPI 頒獎禮,我在場看到他得獎的時候, 

"新聞記者出身的導師 Greg Gibson 對我們說:

Of course, let's link to this great speaker and photographer, Elkie NG.

14 7月 2011

Display codes with more formal syntax.

After studying CSS, it's time to display codes with more professional way.

#Header1 h1 
 font: $googlefont, Verdana;
 font-size: 36px;
 font-style: normal;
 font-weight: 400;
 text-shadow: none;
 text-decoration: none;
 text-transform: none;
 letter-spacing: 0em;
 word-spacing: 0em;
 line-height: 1.2;
#Header1 h1 
 font: $googlefont, Verdana;
 font-size: 36px;
 font-style: normal;
 font-weight: 400;
 text-shadow: none;
 text-decoration: none;
 text-transform: none;
 letter-spacing: 0em;
 word-spacing: 0em;
 line-height: 1.2;

11 7月 2011

CSS + Blogger + Font

想寫好Blog, 連網頁語法都不通, 豈不矛盾?
所以近來閱讀 Jon Duckett 的 "Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript",

看完CSS前面章節, 該為我的小Blog做一點改變,從標題開始吧..
加上之前玩過一個有趣的Google API: Google Web Fonts.


16 6月 2011

An exotic journey from "Uncle Bob" again.

Open an email form InformIT, it introduce me a new book 
《The Clean Coder》from Uncle Bob. 
The man tell me about "boy scouts rule".

When reading the Praise for the book, I suddenly fell into an 
website "Blog of RLBogetti".
"AGILE!!", the whole new nouns.

延伸敏捷式開發的議題,筆者聯想到一個一直在台灣軟體資訊界爭論不休的問題, 就是CMMI究竟對臺灣軟體有沒有幫助。
所以從CMMI的介紹文章, "何謂CMMI-DEV", 更進一步找到石頭大師的一篇
軟體工程三大陣營, RUP, CMMI, Agile Method.

14 6月 2011

The OfficePOD

This idea is so cool.
I don't want to forget it.
So, forward this article here.

Original post from: The OfficePOD

10 6月 2011

[health, translation] 笑口常開的飲食習慣

該如何選擇日常飲食, 讓你的牙齒更明亮, 雪白, 以及健康

Q: 我知道咖啡正在汙染(stain)我的牙齒, 但還是想問有沒有哪種食物, 可以使我的牙齒乾淨, 健康一點?
A: 規律的刷牙以及使用牙線剔牙是保持牙齒健康最好的辦法.
當然, 某些食物可以藉由促進口腔健康的方式, 讓你的笑容更加明亮動人.
例如, 可以促進唾液分泌(saliva production)的食物. 由人體產生的唾液, 不僅可以帶走牙齒表面食物殘渣,
更可以有效中和(neutralize)口腔中, 因咀嚼食物所產生的酸性物質.
口腔中的酸性物質, 就是侵蝕(erode))牙齒琺瑯質(enamel), 造成損傷的主要敵人。
這類食物包括無糖口香糖, 飲料, 起司, 以及牛奶。

牙齦(gum)疾病的預防, 對於牙齒健康以及迷人笑容, 都是一個關鍵因素.
魚類以及亞麻籽(flaxseed)這類富含Omega-3脂肪酸(fatty acids)的食物, 可以預防發炎(inflammation)

順道一提, 應該避免攝取的食物有:含糖飲料及點心, 因糖分會促進有助口腔酸性細菌(bacteria)的孳生,
進而導致琺瑯質(enamel)受損及蛀牙(cavity). 富含澱粉(starchy)類的食物, 例如稻米(rice),
馬鈴薯(potatoes), 以及麵條(pasta).
想當然而, 還有咖啡, 茶, 紅酒, 這類會侵蝕牙齒的物質.


原文網址: WebMD
資料審查: Laura J. Martin, MD.
原文參考資料: Eric Yabu, DDS, WebMD dental health expert.

07 6月 2011

[diary] blog surfing today.

從收到一封數位時代的電子報開始, 在Email最底下發現一個孰悉的華文部落格大獎的Logo,
隨手點進去, 才發現彷彿踏進了圖書館大門, "在新分頁中開啟", 這個動作始終停不下來。

總是想像著找到一個地方, 有著很多的Blog分類介紹, 從各個角度,
去看看別人是怎麼經營, 怎麼去發現去記錄生活的點滴, 納悶著自己的生活怎麼如此乏味?

是了, 就是它了.

25 5月 2011

[書本] 棄業日記



17 5月 2011

photograph with my Sigma

慵懶, 細細地品嘗生活中的每一刻美好,
以相片來紀錄, 因怕自己的記性不好, 留不住視網膜給我的那些感動;
從平淡的日子抓住一件, 隨手, 放在這。
"Hualien Shangrila Hotel, 2011.05.15, a wedding of Maggie's classmate."

21 4月 2011

blogs surfing

個人很欣賞蔡醫師(LINK), 今晚又是從他的FB得知全球之聲(Global Voices)這個很棒的網站.
Global Voices上, 有很多的分類議題, 值得去看看各地部落客在關心的內容, 拓展我們的觀點.
例如這篇(俄羅斯:以色列部落客的醫院歷險記), 如果沒有這個網站, 沒有這個翻譯者,

瀏覽分類議題的當下, 想到為何從未用"medical image blog"此類key words
雖然試了一些key words 結果不盡滿意, 但一晚下來至少還有發現幾個值得繼續值得關注的blog,
如:(Asia Healthcare Blog), (Medical Imaging Blog of McKESSON).
It's a good start to read worldwide medical blog. :D

18 4月 2011


Just programing and learning everyday.
時常看到WordPress的部落客, 可將文章標籤以華麗的3D Animation來Display,
但我還是比較喜歡Blogger, 這個自己開始Blog的地方.

今天再度逛到Aycan這間德國公司, 他們所做的一項Medical Image Service,
跟我一直想要創業的方向, 有一定比例的相似!
然而發現其官方blog, 竟然可以在blogger上也同樣出現"WP-Cumulus",
於是花了時間研究一下, 從Cumulus作者"Roy Tanck"網頁,
到Blogumus作者"Amanda Fazani"的tutorial, 照著step by step教學,
竟也完成了這個Widget, 真是開心! (雖然現在tags太少, 看起來有點虛 :D)

08 4月 2011

台灣, 軟體, 人才?

當生活的細節, 跨越空間而連結在一起時, 那巧妙令人感動.

start form 閱讀的"李開復140字的驚人力量",

05 4月 2011

Want to be a friend of the Giant (OsiriX)

pic.1 OsiriX View from official site

完成了第一個Volume Rendering, 想在研究所備份的GE系統影像外,

這幾天走來, 認識了一個巨人般的系統: OsiriX(offical website),
一套Open Source的Dicom Viewer.
從主要支援Mac OS, 容易安裝, 大部份想的到的功能幾乎都具備,
甚至連iPad, iPhone版本都有了, How amazing!

03 4月 2011

First Volume Rendering Work.

"CT Images about heart and coronary artery"

Volume Rendering, 簡單來說, 是一種視覺化(Visualization)的技巧, 將一物件以立體, 3D的方式去呈現;
資料的來源, 有時是連續的二維影像, 有時是空間中一些被定義的點。
Wiki說:Volume rendering is a technique used to display a 2D projection of a 3D discretely sampled data set.

喜歡這個, 是從研究所開始, 起先於楊前輩的3D Platform上面做影像處理, 後曾於Computer Graphics課程, 嘗試以此為Term Project, 慘遭滑鐵盧。
打從去年年底完成了Phong Shading後, 便開始重拾這一夢想.

15 1月 2011

How about thinking before logging on internet.

生活, 似乎已無法與網路分開,
難得在美好的清晨醒來, 泡杯熱牛奶坐在書桌前打開電腦,
還是習慣性地, 縮著尚未醒來的身子, 連上網路, 看新聞, 檢查Mail,
然後, 一兩個小時悄悄消逝, 與看電視新聞一樣,
最後, 成果是一個小小聲的嘆氣:
“啊, 時間過好快, 早知道不要上網…”

近來, 告別光纖網路, 改為用手機上網,
多了個需要先連接手機的步驟, 也多了個生活的靈感;

03 1月 2011

steps to use "texture3d.c"

Platform I used: VC++ 2010 Express.

In order to use this source example of Programming Guide,
I did a few modifications then I can run the example correctly.

1. Solution of the undefined macro:
#ifdef GL_VERSION_1_2
My computer didn't have this definition, so I need to include OpenGL extension library as below:
#include < GL/glext.h >;
And the same time, download the header files from Official Website.

2. The solution of "glTexImage3D not defined":
a. declare a global function pointer:
b. After correctly initializing OpenGL, execute the codes:
glTexImage3D = reinterpret_cast( ::wglGetProcAddress( "glTexImage3D") );
Original post is from here.

3. If you got a error like: "reinterpret_cast : undeclared identifier",
please rename the source "C" code from texture3d.c to texture3d.cpp.
Because this macro is dedicated to C++ language.
Original post is from here.

Result should be:

Record just avoid forgetting. :D