27 12月 2012

How to use CSS to customize the image padding and borders?

/*I can't remember exactly the last time that I wrote technical articles. Long times ago..*/

How to use CSS to customize the image padding and border when we're posting in Blogger? It's hard to control after you used some online templates, right? Record the SOP here in order to use it again in the future.
In Blogger template, the style of image is usually controlled by the section: ".post-body img". So we need to add our CSS code in template design tool and assign it inside the HTML window of new article. For example, I want to remove the default white padding and borders:

1. add CSS codes in design tool as:
  padding: 0px;
  background: #000000;
  border: 0px;
2. find the img tag inside the HTML window of new article as:
<img border="0" height="210" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiY2VuJaXNyt5z8PkG2POXHbU1w_vrAAnVTI6R6GKZS3oLMtYw2OoH1YN817hOBEqUOocZiUujx2br3MhkEyTAZI488IFpYYWxhqJ2oqkpldtCL_9nKB9Rr-Yrv5olxH3ioyh73m6LW_Lr3/s320/DSC03355_PS2_FB.jpg" width="320" />
and assign to use the mov class as:
<img class="mov" height="210" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiY2VuJaXNyt5z8PkG2POXHbU1w_vrAAnVTI6R6GKZS3oLMtYw2OoH1YN817hOBEqUOocZiUujx2br3MhkEyTAZI488IFpYYWxhqJ2oqkpldtCL_9nKB9Rr-Yrv5olxH3ioyh73m6LW_Lr3/s320/DSC03355_PS2_FB.jpg" width="320" />

Finally, my pictures will be displayed w/ different style as below..

I believe that second one is more suitable for the picture with black frame. How you feel? :P 

Hope it helps & enjoy it.


是埋怨、是羨慕,或是低頭看看,其實工作挺好的,做喜歡的事,可以拍拍照,可以三不五時買個鏡頭,腳踝膝蓋還可以急停跳投...。 把放大鏡放在自己擁有的那一塊,能夠體會生活的美好,才是真幸福。

23 12月 2012


台灣清水斷崖 w/ Schneider C-Curtagon 35 F2.8

常想著世界名勝還有哪些地方還沒去過,有朝一日定要拜訪,其實,許多近在咫尺的美麗景點, 我們卻未曾仔細欣賞、或為其留下美好影像。


21 12月 2012


a memorable morning flower taken on last Saturday 

Always thinking about where to post my works is better, just want to study and get thoughts during the procedure of publication. I have a strong feeling about "talk the right things to the right people" after posting photos to G+ and 500px today. Made the decision from this time and record it here.

2012/12/21: whatever today will be, still take photos and do programming..


Color Pencil for Color Pencil, taken w/ BenQ G1

Our department needed a thumbnail on new camera to prompt users how to use new scene effects, so we decided to take a picture by ourselves. Even my picture wasn't seen too much, but that's also an interesting chance trying to contribute something other than programming. Titled "imitation" just because this picture was from imitated some works on net.

16 12月 2012

法國蜜月自由行.#Day2 (下)


/*---- 回到本文 ----*/

第二天旅途的下午,我們來到美麗的Les Baux de Provence,波城,又常稱為南法鬼城,網路上介紹不多,會去是因為民宿老闆的朋友(台灣留學生)熱情推薦,說她來南法交換學生一年,覺得最美最值得自由行去看看得一個點。 ...(完全同意!)

06 12月 2012


Galaxy Camera, F2.8 1/40 ISO200 @ 23mm

在相機部門工作,最開心的莫過於可以上班玩相機,而且還是新上市的敵營產品, Samsung Galaxy Camera,說真的挺威的,哪天我們可以做出類似的產品,我想我會天天帶在身上吧。

05 12月 2012

法國蜜月自由行.#Day2 (上)

最近認真的跟一群可愛的人一起上攝影課後,慢慢發現過去構圖的不足,整理的過程中腦裡會喃喃自語當初應該怎麼拍,這現象應該是好的吧? 照片就是要拍來分享,雖然拖稿嚴重,還是要繼續整理 :P
